A small bouquet of sweets, crocuses from corrugated paper


A miniature bouquet of sweets - a little prank and a chocolate compliment as a gift at the same time. A small but pleasant surprise can please and surprise. And you can do it yourself. In principle, there is no great difficulty in making a candy bouquet, but if you are set to make such a gift, you will have to devote at least three hours to it, because preliminary preparations, the manufacture of candy flowers and the design of a bouquet will be needed.

Even making a small bouquet will take you several hours, especially if this is not a regular activity. So keep in mind that you need to start work by scheduling this time.

What is needed for making a bouquet: Truffle candies, wrapped type - 5 pcs, corrugated paper of two colors (one of the colors should match the color of candy candy wrappers), wooden skewers for kebabs, two-color napkins, scotch tape, stapler, thermal gun, wrapping mica in green colors, ribbon for decoration of bouquets.

We start by making candy flowers. From corrugated paper we make blanks for petals. We cut the strips along a sheet of paper so that the corrugation is across the strip. The width of the strip is 4-5 cm. Then we cut the strip of paper into fragments 10-12 cm long. For each flower, 6-7 petals are needed. From each rectangle of paper we prepare the petals.

We fold each rectangle approximately one-third, at the bend point we twist the paper two turns and apply a smaller part to a large one, while slightly stretching the corrugation in the center, getting the shape of a petal. We make the required number of petals.

We stick the wooden skewer with the sharp end into the chocolate candy in the place where the candy wrapped. We twist the wrapper tightly around the wooden stick, then attach the first tier of three to four petals, the convolution should be on top. We fix them on a stick with a thin tape. Then we collect the second tier from the petals and also fix it with tape. Adhesive tape should not only connect all the petals, but also attach them to the stalk-skewer.

For our bouquet, prepare 5 of these flowers resembling crocuses. We complement each flower with a lush accompaniment of transparent wrapping paper with green stains, which imitates sepals.

We cut the wrapping film into squares measuring 22x22 cm and fold it, as shown in the picture, slightly shifting the corners four times. Then we wrap the resulting folded leaf around the flower, twist it around the wooden skewer and fix it with a stapler and tape over it. The flower is ready.

To complete the bouquet, add 4 more fluffy flowers, which we will make from napkins.

White napkins are folded 6 pieces, cut into 4 parts. We fasten each square part with a stapler in the center, cut the corners from the square to the circle and make cuts from edge to center. We fluff the napkin and get a round flower - carnation. To design a flower, use a burgundy napkin. Cut a napkin in half, fold each square in the same way as wrapping mica. We wrap a napkin around the skewer and fix it with tape. Using a heat gun, glue a white clove to the central part of the napkin.

We collect seven skewers with flower tops in a bouquet and tightly intercept the ribbon for flowers.

It remains to wrap the bouquet. To do this, we measure a fragment from corrugated paper with the calculation so that you can wrap the assembled bouquet one and a half times. We fold it in width so that one edge is higher than the other, we make a double level. We wrap the bouquet, while the paper you need to pick up.

We fasten the closed edges with a stapler. Once again, we intercept the finished bouquet with the ribbon for flowers, slightly stretch the corrugated paper along the edge to give volume.

If there are small decorative butterflies or bees, you can add to the design of the bouquet. That's all, a sweet compliment in the form of a bouquet is ready.


Watch the video: Букет из конфет. Букет с крокусами из конфет своими руками. Мастер-класс для начинающих (October 2024).