Wicker picnic basket made of wooden lamellas


A wooden wicker basket for a picnic in a park or for relaxing outside the city is not only beautiful, but also very convenient. The basket itself is quite roomy and durable, so everything you need will fit in it.

First of all, it will be necessary to cut the boards (you can use hornbeam, oak, ash, etc.) into equally sized blocks.

After that, on a band saw, it is necessary to dissolve the wooden bars into thin lamellas. From them, then, a picnic basket will be made. The thickness of the lamellas can be different - at your discretion.

The main stages of work

At the next stage, the lamellas will need to be calibrated to the same size on a grinding machine. For this, the master uses a homemade device.

After that, the wooden lamellas need to be “soaked” in a plastic bucket of water so that they take the form of an arc. Accordingly, the bucket itself is selected a suitable diameter.

Then the lamellas must be bent in half. However, this must be done so that they do not break. Therefore, the master uses for this a steel bar, which heats with a gas burner, and a metal strip (it is installed on the outside of the lamella).

After all the preparatory work, the master proceeds directly to the manufacture of the basket itself. This is a painstaking job, but the end result is worth it.

For a detailed process of making a wicker picnic basket from wooden lamellas, see the video on the website.


Watch the video: Savisto 4 Person Picnic Basket. Amy Learns to Cook (October 2024).