How to clean household air conditioner yourself


As soon as the sun begins to bake outside the window, and it becomes stuffy in houses and apartments, we immediately remember our faithful and indispensable helpers in the summer heat - domestic air conditioners.

It must be understood that if it did not work all winter and spring, then bacteria were preserved in it. And therefore, the air conditioner must be cleaned.

Please note that the procedure itself to neutralize harmful bacteria that like to accumulate in the air conditioner, it is advisable to carry out with a certain frequency - at least once every two weeks, but more often.

The main stages of work

First of all, we need chlorhexidine (about 2-3 bubbles) and an empty container with a spray. Pour chlorhexidine into it.

Next, you will need to remove the grid and be sure to wash it in soapy water. The nets must be dried and reinstalled. Then turn on the air conditioner.

Next, spray chlorhexidine into the upper and front air intake grilles. It is advisable at this moment to be above the air conditioner, and not below it, so as not to inhale everything that will come out of it.

It is advisable to do this: spray a little (about half the contents in the bottle) and let the air conditioner work a little. Then they repeated the procedure. As a result, all bacteria will die.

For details on how to independently clean a household air conditioner, see the video on our website.


Watch the video: Clean Your Home AC Without Removing The Coil From Your Air Handler (October 2024).