Leather case for a lighter with a carbine


Genuine leather will never go out of style. You can create many accessories from it, including a lighter case.

In this review, the author offers the idea of ​​how easy it is to make a functional and concise case from just one detail.

To begin, we will make a paper pattern. Wrap the lighter with a sheet and mark the size of the future cover.

When drawing a shape, add at least three millimeters per seam. Also try on a grommet, it should not stand close to the edge, otherwise the skin will tear.

When the pattern is done, circle it on the skin and cut the workpiece. Depending on the desired style of the product, you can either leave the edge unprocessed or cover it with rubber or liquid skin.

The main stages of work

Mark the place where the seam will be. Before flashing in the skin you need to punch holes. So all the stitches will be even and the same.

In this case, you will not have problems in order to pierce dense material. Next, glue the lower part, where the grommet will be.

Waxed threads not only twist less and become waterproof, but they also tighten better, preventing the stitches from opening. A thread of contrasting color will be an interesting accent.

You can make cross stitches or apply other decorative techniques. You need to stitch the cover by inserting a lighter into it so that the size fits exactly.

Now you can punch a hole and put the grommet. Cut the skin remaining below. Remove all the fibers, and then process the same way as the rest of the edges.

The cover is ready. Such an accessory not only looks unusual, but also has practical benefits. In a leather case, a lighter will lose its performance much more slowly in the cold.


Watch the video: 7 DIY Bullet Shell Craft Ideas (October 2024).