Did you miss the hammer on the nail, as a result of which the blow fell on the wood product and a dent formed on the surface? There is a simple grandfather method of how to fix the situation.
Immediately we want to draw your attention to the fact that this method is really working, but under certain conditions - if a dent was formed without violating the integrity of the wood fibers.
If there is a hall, a dent can also be smoothed out, but a darkening will appear in this place over time. In the presence of "torn" fibers, it will also be possible to remove the dent in the dent, however, the wood will be loose, and over time it may cause a drawdown.
The main stages of work
To remove a dent on a wooden surface, you just need to moisten and then steam the wood. Thus, the wrinkled fibers will straighten back.
Normal water will be required for hydration, and it can be heated in various ways. The easiest and most affordable - with the help of an iron.
Also, you can use a building hair dryer to heat water (a household hair dryer is not suitable for these purposes).
Well, another option for heating water - using the most ordinary electric soldering iron. Dip the sting into a drop, wait until the water evaporates.
This method is well suited for removing dents on polished wooden surfaces (and especially oak). But with lacquered surfaces can be difficult.
For more information about the grandfather's method of removing dents on the surface of a tree, we recommend that you watch in this video.