Ergonomic quick-release handle for saw blades


In this review, the author shows how to make a very convenient and ergonomic keyless handle for saw blades.

It is not possible to insert files from a jigsaw, as well as saber canvases and ordinary metal sheets.

In addition, the pen can also be used in tandem with needle files and other tools. All in all, a pretty universal thing.

It will take two pieces of a polypropylene pipe, carbon (carbon fiber) and an anchor bolt. All this is available in any hardware store.

The main stages of work

The first step is to cut off two pieces of PP pipe with a length of 7.5 cm and 4 cm.

We wind an insulating tape or masking tape on a segment of a hairpin, and then we put on blanks from a polypropylene pipe.

At the next stage, we apply epoxy glue to the surface of the PP pipes and glue the carbon.

Leave until the glue dries. Then cut off all the excess. Next, we disassemble the anchor bolt. It will need to make a cut under the canvas.

In the end, it remains only to assemble a homemade pen and test it in work.

For details on how to make a do-it-yourself ergonomic quick-clamp handle for saw blades, see this video.


Watch the video: Project: Ergo Handle Mod - Miter Cut (October 2024).