Three ways to remove a rivet


Many industrial products use rivets as a way to securely and quickly fasten a knot that will not be further disassembled. Often, thin sheets are combined in this way. If you have a need to remove the riveting and not damage the surface of the product, then I will offer three accessible methods for everyone to achieve the desired result.

Drilling rivets

The easiest and safest way, from the point of view of mechanical impact, is drilling with a drill.

We take a screwdriver or a drill. We install the drill of the desired diameter. And drill through the riveting.

We pass through.

This method will not damage the metals to be joined if the drill is selected correctly. Although it is quite specific, it will not suit you if your rivets have a semicircular hat.

Grinder Cutting

This is the fastest and at the same time the most traumatic way to remove rivets. Therefore, if you are unsure of a tool such as angle grinder (Bulgarian), I sincerely do not recommend using it.

We will need:
  • Bulgarian.
  • Screwdriver.

Angle grinders cut heads from all installed rivets.

And we beat them out with a screwdriver.

That's the trick.

Using this method, it is easy to damage the surface of the product and break the disc itself, since cutting is carried out at an angle. And one wrong move can ruin everything. Use protective equipment without fail.

Cut off the rivet hat with a chisel or screwdriver

Now the way is called classic. It is used by most professionals and beginners alike. He does not require special equipment, electricity, training. The most affordable and at the same time the slowest way to cut rivets.
You will need:
  • Hammer.
  • Screwdriver or chisels. It all depends on the diameter of the rivet.

If the size is small, take a screwdriver, set it at an angle, and cut the hat off with a hammer.

Next, we knock right through with the same screwdriver.

If the rivet is large, then it is better to use a chisel. We act like a screwdriver.

We knock it out with a screwdriver.

This method can be used when there is little riveting: one, two or three. Or when there is none of the above equipment in the first two ways.
If there are a lot of riveted joints, it is certainly better to use a more mechanized method of removal.
Be careful when working with metals. Also share your suggestions in the comments, everyone will be interested.


Watch the video: Three ways to remove the rivets (October 2024).