How to make a baby card for a child?


Many of us like to make unusual surprises for our children. Such a surprise could be a nice postcard, which depicts the sun, a tree of happiness and a real wonderful garden.
Let's consider today in this article the easiest way to make such a card.

So, we will prepare for our work a piece of white fabric, decorative buttons, yarn, jewelry and more.
First, we will make three flowers from yarn.
Take a few soft threads, create something similar to a pompom from them, then take a piece of wire, wrap it with green thread, tie a cup, sew it all together to make a very nice flower. we need to make three of these flowers and attach them to the top of our postcard.
Next, we take a piece of cardboard of the required size and paste fabric on it from both sides. We try to tighten the fabric so that there are no bumps and wrinkles.
Then we embroider on the fabric: on the one hand the inscription “Congratulations!” Which will decorate the front of our postcard (this inscription may vary if desired).
We embroider a tree on the inside, but then we will sew on buttons in the form of hearts.

When the initial work is finished, scatter the buttons in front of us and allow ourselves real creativity. From the yarn we crochet the sun with rays, grass, clouds and more. We decorate all this with buttons in the form of ladybirds, birds and butterflies. It turns out a real image of paradise, which children like so much.
Then you can decorate our card with ribbons and pieces of yarn. Here is our miracle and done.


Watch the video: How to make Easy DIY baby shower card, card idea for kids, birthday card (October 2024).