To work, we need:
- a plastic cup (can be replaced with a plastic bottle);
- decorative three-layer napkin;
- cardboard;
- flat magnets;
- silicone glue;
- PVA glue;
- acrylic varnish for interior work;
- sandpaper "nulevka";
- scissors;
- a pencil;
- brushes.
And so we take a napkin and gently separate the top layer.
The next step is to cut the glass into two halves (I had a half-liter plastic glass)
We attach half the glass to the cardboard and circle it with a pencil, cut out the form with an allowance of 0.5 - 0.7 cm for gluing and fold it along the drawn outline
Glue cardboard in half a glass
We put a napkin on a glass and from the center to the edges we carefully coat with PVA glue. This must be done carefully, because the napkin, when wet, becomes very delicate and delicate, with a strong press, it can be stretched and even torn, which is extremely undesirable.
Allow glue to dry and cover with a layer of acrylic varnish
After the varnish dries, and it takes 2-3 hours, go with sandpaper and varnish again
After complete drying, glue the magnet with silicone glue.
As a result, such an unusual organizer is easy and simple.
Imagine, create and surprise yourself and others. Good luck