The use of aluminum foil, or food foil for all occasions


Food aluminum foil is the thinnest flexible sheet of aluminum, the minimum thickness of which reaches 0.001 mm. Food foil is used mainly by many housewives in culinary matters for the preparation and storage of food. Being a non-toxic material, the foil does not give the products any third-party odors and tastes. In addition, it does not absorb fats and does not leak liquids. But, like many objects, it can also be used for other purposes. That is what our conversation today is about.

First, a little about how to use foil in the kitchen especially for those who are not yet in the know.
Want to bake cupcakes, but there are no tins in the house? No problem. Fold a sheet of foil (if the foil is thin) in 3-4 layers and form any shape.
You have not got a culinary syringe or bag yet, but want to bake a beautiful cake? And in this case, a stored foil roll will come to your aid. Fold a sheet of foil with a bag, make a small hole at its end, fill with cream and you can safely proceed to the design of the cake.
Has the metal washcloth for washing kitchen utensils become unusable? And here foil helps you: crumple a piece of a sparkling leaf (you can even already used it) into a dense ball and it will easily replace your washcloth for cleaning pans or pans. It is also very easy such a ball, coupled with a detergent for dishes, will remove the remnants of food or other dirt from glass objects.

And a few more tricks to use foil in the kitchen:
• wrap the eggs with foil before sending them to cook - they do not burst during cooking;
• if you didn’t have a funnel on the farm, fold a piece of foil in half, then give it a cone shape and cut off the tip;
• if you need to keep the sausage, cheese or butter “edible” as long as possible, wrap them in foil (each product, of course, individually);

• if you cannot find a bottle cap or stopper in the household, roll a piece of foil into a very tight tube and close the open vessel with it;
• if you wrap the cooked food in foil, it will remain warm for a long time, which is very important for long trips;
• if the top of the baked cake in the oven began to burn, cover it with a sheet of foil and continue baking;
• if you cook food in foil, it will turn out to be very juicy, soft and tender, while the products will still retain all their useful properties;
• if you do not want to waste your energy washing the surface of the stove, bottom or door of the oven when frying or baking fatty foods (meat, fish), cover them with foil before starting cooking - your stove and oven will remain clean;
• if you are planning to go camping and forget to buy disposable tableware, grab a foil roll with you, you can easily make plates or cups from it.
But besides the use of foil for culinary purposes, there are still many ways (sometimes unusual) to use this industrial product in household affairs, which few people know about. We fill in this gap.
Now about how you can use foil in everyday life
Does your TV show poorly? Not surprisingly, for most film enthusiasts, a video player (DVD), as a rule, stands next to or under the TV, which is often the cause of interference on the TV screen. To eliminate this inconvenience will help the foil sheet, laid between the two devices.
Can't smooth out the old creases on the fabric? This is because the ironing board itself absorbs a lot of heat generated by the iron during ironing. Use a simple trick: place a piece of foil under the cover of the ironing board, a cloth item on top and draw it several times using steam. The foil in this case will act as a heat reflector, because the wrinkles are smoothed out faster and easier.
Has the sole of your iron been covered with layers? Swipe a sheet of foil several times with a warm iron, and your heater will sparkle again with its novelty.
Are your scissors completely dull? Fold a thick sheet of foil in at least 4 layers and make several cutting movements with blunt scissors.

Dark glimmers appeared on your favorite mirror? “Plant” small patches of foil on the back of the mirror, thereby masking the problem areas.
Does the TV or DVD remote control, children's toy or flashlight work intermittently? Surely, the springs for attaching the batteries loosened and weakened, which caused poor contact. Insert a folded piece of foil between the battery and the spring.

Have your Christmas-tree decorations come in a terrifying look or do you not know how to arrange a home for the New Year holidays? Wrap the old Christmas tree decorations with foil, giving them a fresher look. Decorate the rooms with the help of snowflakes, flowers and bows carved from it.
Do you freeze in winter despite hot cast-iron batteries? You can correct the situation by placing a cardboard sheet between the battery and the apartment wall, glued with foil with the less shiny side inward. The heat from the battery will be reflected by the foil into the room, not into the wall.
Are you going to paint the door or walls in the bathroom, but you don’t have masking tape on hand? It doesn’t matter either. Wrap protruding objects (taps, door handles, locks) before starting a "battle."
Has your silverware faded and become unsightly? Do not despair. You can restore the original shine to silver products by performing a simple procedure: cover the bottom of the pan or other container with foil, put silver objects on it, pour half a liter of cold water and add 60 g of salt. After 4-12 hours of exposure in such a solution, your silver will sparkle again. The same method will help you when cleaning jewelry, if they are without pebbles. And to prevent the formation of dark spots on silver objects, keep them wrapped in foil.
Here, perhaps, are all the secrets to the use of foil, which we wanted to share with you. You just have to remember everything described above or store it in a separate folder on the desktop of your computer.
Good luck and all the best!


Watch the video: 22 BEST ALUMINUM FOIL HACKS (October 2024).